Jewish End of Life Doula Meetup
This sacred space online will be led by Zoë and Rabbi Dan Goldblatt of AriYael Jewish Healing Center in Northern California. We will spend time learning about renewing traditional Jewish liturgy (El Malei Rachamim and Psalm 121) at the end of life. And of course---schmoozing!
Mourners: Writing & Art as Aids in Mourning
Using music, art, poetry and movement, Zoë Goldblatt, MFA and Susan Talon Mazer, RN will facilitate a soulful evening of creative grief processing for mourners. This workshop is suitable both for mourners as well as people who work with mourners as an experiential learning tool.
Crafting a Home Death: Practical Tips and Insights
Berkeley Public Library 2090 Kittredge Street, Berkeley, CA, United StatesZoë Goldblatt and other members of the East Bay End Of Life Doula Network will be participating in this free educational event in Berkeley, CA.
AriYael Jewish Healing Center Blood Drive
Beth Chaim Congregation 1800 Holbrook Drive, Danville, California, United StatesA blood drive to help those who are in need of blood transfusions.
Private Wedding
Zoë Goldblatt officiates an interfaith wedding for a couple in Sonoma County incorporating elements of the couple's Jewish and Filipino-Catholic family heritage. By invitation only.
Jewish End of Life Doula Meetup
This sacred space online will be led by Zoë and Rabbi Dan Goldblatt of AriYael Jewish Healing Center in Northern California. We will spend time learning about renewing traditional Jewish liturgy (personalized Viddui) at the end of life. And of course---schmoozing!
Elul Guided Meditation
ZoomA 30-minute guided meditation on Self Forgiveness for the month of Elul using imagery of a forest, waterfalls and mikveh in a river.
Elul Retreat Weekend
Private ResidenceThe central invitation of the Jewish month of Elul preceding Rosh Hashanah, is to engage in cheshbon nefesh, a soul inventory or soul-searching process. This requires a willingness to open our hearts to teshuvah - a joyful return to our most authentic selves. We gather on Shabbat to engage in this sacred work together. We will enter into a state of enhanced consciousness with sacred chant, teachings, prayer and silence to open the inner gates and embark on an exhilarating soul journey.
Dying as a Sacred Transition
Topics Include: Yom Kippur as a rehearsal for our own deaths; Defining “Sacred”; The Spiritual Concept of Healing (versus Curing); Dying as a Sacred Process; Our Personal Relationship to Death and Dying; Concept of Doulas/Midwives; “Us Vs. Them” (We Are All Going To Die); Talking to Patients and Their Families about Death;What Can We Do When Our Own Grief Gets Triggered by Their Struggles?
Private Wedding
Rabbi Dan officiates a Jewish wedding for a young couple in Santa Clara County. By invitation only.
Sulam Ya’akov (Jacob’s Ladder): Integrating Sacred Medicine into Jewish Spiritual Practice
The Gateway Hopland, CaliforniaReb Zalman discovered that he could tune into a felt and visual sense of the states of consciousness that his Chasidic ancestors had described as the ascent of the soul - climbing Jacob’s ladder up the sephirot. We will discuss his teachings.