Events for April 1 - February 4

L’Shem Yichud: Sacred Intimacy Workshop for Couples

In this workshop, which is a teaser for our weekend retreat offering, Rabbi Dan and Zoë cover the concepts of Yichud, Keruv, the uses of Prayer and Blessings for intimacy, and they give working definitions for "sacred" and "intimacy" in a Jewish context. This workshop is being offered only to attendees of the 2025 Aravah Sukkot Festival in Hopland, CA.

Private Celebration of Life

Private memorial service officiated by Rabbi Dan and Zoë in Oakland, CA. Music, songs, readings and prayers were included.

Virtual Jewish End-of-Life Doula Meetup

In October's quarterly meeting on Zoom for Jewish End Of Life Doulas across the United States, Rabbi Dan Goldblatt and Zoë Goldblatt will co-facilitate a teaching on the concept of "Levayah" (Accompaniment). This event is hosted quarterly by Shomer Collective.

Navigating Parent Loss During the Holidays: A Jewish Grief Workshop

Even when we are adults, losing a parent is not easy. We’ve literally known this person our whole life, and when that person is gone, it leaves a hole that can’t be filled. Holidays can be particularly hard after we have experienced such a loss. We are used to getting or sending Hanukkah cards, calling or seeing these loved ones on New Years. Warm childhood memories become tinged with sadness. The Divine said, “It is not good for a human to be alone.” Genesis 2:18 Thousands of years ago, the authors of the Torah knew this truth, and it resonates powerfully [...]


Building a Renewal Community in a Secular Jewish Landscape

a 30-Year Case Study with Rabbi Dan Goldblatt "In 1994, I was invited to serve Beth Chaim, a suburban, predominantly secular Jewish community.  I approached Reb Zalman, zt”l, and told him that I wasn’t sure that I was the right match. He told me that if Renewal was to have an impact on the Jewish landscape it would need to be cultivated in mainstream, secular synagogues like Beth Chaim.  He said that this was an important test for Renewal and he would support my efforts. As I retire from my position, 30 years later, I believe that we developed an interesting [...]

Private Wedding

Rabbi Dan will co-officiate an interfaith wedding with Father Gerald Caprio of the White Robed Monks. By invitation only.

Event Series Parent Loss Jewish Grief Group

Parent Loss Jewish Grief Group

Series Dates: January 28, February 4, February 11, February 18, February 25 The five-session parent loss Jewish grief group will follow a Jewish arc developed by the AriYael Jewish Healing Center that will include themes like Sharing Our Stories; Adjusting to being an Adult Orphan; Changing Family Constellations; Grieving as Healing, Tools on the Grieving Path; Jewish Grief Structures – Turning Memory into Blessing; Exploring the Stuck Places in Your Grief; Exploring growth and transformation in grief. Join Rabbi Dr. Greg Marcus, a trained grief counselor, for this highly interactive five-session journey to help you deal with the loss of a [...]


Harvard Law School Conference

Psychedelics in Monotheistic Traditions: Sacramental Practice and Legal Recognition This interdisciplinary symposium brings together scholars of religion, legal experts, and religious leaders to explore the legal recognition of religious psychedelic use in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim communities. Rabbi Dan Goldblatt will speak on a Harvard Law School panel titled: "Contemporary Jewish Psychedelic Practices” on Wednesday, March 5th at 11:30am EST. Location: Harvard Law School, Cambridge, MA

Event Series Caregiver Support Group

Caregiver Support Group


This is a special online Caregiver Support Group for Spouses or Partners in "The Sandwich Generation" This caregiver support group is for people who are caring for a spouse or partner with a life-threatening or terminal illness and also caring for children and/or parents at the same time. Facilitator: Zoë Goldblatt, End of Life Doula, Activity Therapist Format: Weekly, 60-minute sessions on Zoom, for 5 weeks; will repeat. Dates and Times: Each Tuesday in April, 4-5pm Pacific Time/7-8pm Eastern Time(Please note this series date & time is subject to change based on group availability) Topics will include: Caregiver Coping Strategies Communication [...]

Private Wedding

Jewish wedding in Pasadena, CA officiated by Rabbi Dan Goldblatt. Click here for your own wedding consultation.

Grief & Growing at Camp Newman

Camp Newman, Santa Rosa, CA

For 25 years, Grief & Growing, the beloved, annual weekend-long residential retreat for mourners was a key feature of the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center’s offerings. Now, Grief & Growing is returning as a collaboration between Camp Newman and the AriYael Jewish Healing Center, Sinai Memorial Chapel, Jewish Learning Works and A Healing Legacy. Registration will open in the Summer of 2025. Location: Camp Newman, Santa Rosa CA

Event Series The Shalom Death Cafe

The Shalom Death Cafe


A monthly, online drop-in Death Cafe where anyone over 18 can join to talk about thoughts, feelings and questions about death and dying. Death Cafe has no agenda, no theme, no advice or teachings. This is an open forum with a facilitator who will call on people to speak and moderate the conversation.

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