Interfaith Couples Support Group
October 26, 2022 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Interfaith Couples Support Group
Co-sponsored by Beth Chaim and the AriYael Jewish Healing Center
Led by Rabbi Dan & Zoe Francesca, MFA
Five Wednesday evenings from 7–8:30 pm on Oct. 26th, Nov. 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd.
An opportunity to discuss and share issues of concern with other interfaith couples in a safe and confidential environment. Couples are encouraged to dialogue together on the full range of concerns including: confusion of cultural and spiritual identity; ideas about God; dealing with parents, family and friends; and child raising, to name just a few. Beth Chaim members receive priority and fee reduction. $100 per couple, $75 for Beth Chaim members. Limit 6 couples. To register, please email admin@ariyael.org.