Embracing Pleasure in Times of Loss and Grief

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Embracing Pleasure in Times of Loss and Grief

January 11, 2023 @ 2:00 pm 3:30 pm

Denver, CO

25th Annual OHALAH Conference for Jewish Renewal Rabbis and Cantors

Workshop: “Embracing Pleasure in Times of Loss and Grief” 

Rather than hardening and contracting in the midbar (the wilderness), Shechinah guides us to open, to allow one’s heart to soften, to surrender, to release. PLEASURE is one way to do this, a tool for empowering open-heartedness.  We live in a culture that diminishes the power of pleasure and often considers it inappropriate or irrelevant during sacred transitions.  We will explore a radical approach to accessing pleasure in a time when we are challenged to innovate new tools as we live, encounter short and long-term illness, and find more life-affirming ways to respond to loss and grief.

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